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Monday, February 21, 2022

Let's prank office friends with this hack app... :)

Good mornings friends,
It's been a long time since the admin has not shared knowledge here, this time I will introduce one application that is quite good for working with our office colleagues. The name of this application is Net Monitor For Employee Pro. The features in it are as follows:

1. Remote Screen (To see their PC activity, what they see and also we can control what they do) more or less like a team viewer buddy, only this is for a local LAN or Wifi network)
2. Show Messages directly on Target PC & Block them
3. Desktop Sharing
4. Desktop Recorder (Screen recorder/monitor activity)
5. Tools (Shutdown, Restart, Hibernate, Stand By, Log off, Start Screen saver, Stop Screen saver, Lock Computer, Lock Workstation, Unlock Computer)
6. Run CMD
7. Kill Process (Turn off processes that are running on the computer)
8. Block Website
9. etc.

This software is often used by admins when they want to be nosy or want to help office friends when their PC has problems, admins don't have to bother coming to their PC, just sit in front of the lepi themselves, and the problem is clear and can be solved.

Use this software wisely, my friend.. :D

Here are the steps to install this software:

For Server
After downloading and extracting this software, double click nmemplpro.exe.
the wizard will appear like this


I Agree
After the image above will appear like this

For servers choose the top one

Once selected, it will appear as shown below.
Click Next again

The installation process on the server.

After completing the installation process for the server, reopen the extracted folder of this software. And go to the Lz0 folder, then click Keygen.exe, it will appear as shown below.

For the name, please choose the name according to your own wishes ^^
Then Lic# write the number (this is the number of PCs available, but limited to only 9 PCs. If there are more than 9 PCs, I will explain later ^^)
Then select Regular License
Then Get. There will be a series there.

After that open the software. It's in Start > All Programs > Clean Monitoring for Pro Employees > click on Clean Monitoring for Pro Employees.
There will be a display like this

Click Enter License Key,
Copy the name and serial in Keygen.exe into this form

I Agree

After clicking OK it will appear like this, enter the password and repeat,

After all the stages are complete it will look like this

Then complete the installation of the Net Monitoring Software for Employee Pro.

For Clients (PC USERS)
Ok now how to install for PC users.
Double click again on nmemplpro.exe.
the wizard will appear like this


I Agree

And for PC users, select as below and check Stealth Agent Install, its function is so that this software does not appear in the PC User's system tray, and this is so that users do not know that we are monitoring it. This is different from Radmin and Insigth Teacher.

Once selected, it will appear as shown below.
Click Next again


The installation process on the Client.

When finished, a display like this will appear

Fill in the password created during installation for the server, it must match, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, letters or whatever was typed before.
Then OK and Close.
Do it for all existing PC Users.

Ok, the installation stage is complete on the user's PC.

Ok, enter the PC Server, reopen the Software and enter the Password
After it appears click like the image
(to enter the user's PC there are 2 ways)

Oh yes, I almost forgot, earlier on the Keygen stage. There is a question if the PC is more than 9 pieces how?

So, first go to File > Manage License > it will look like this

There it says License Type, Registration Name, Amount and Status
Now for Quantity, that's the number of PCs that have been registered with Valid status
For PCs that are more than nine, just follow the Keygen steps earlier
Adjust the Name and Type of Registration, for Lic# just add the number of PCs that have not been entered.
And the image above Click Add License, it will look like this

Click OK
Do it until all PCs are registered ^^

Ok, we have finished registering all the PCs, we will proceed to the entry stage to the PC for monitoring. As I said, there are 2 ways.

The first step
Click like picture

Fill in the PC User IP, Nickname (anything), then Password. Remember, the password must be the same, otherwise it won't connect later ^^
If it appears like this, it's a sign that the user's PC is connected

Only this method is too long, what if the PC crashes often :^^
Well for that there is another way

Second Way
Click like picture

It will appear like this

Usually Automatic will search for itself and select it itself, then fill in the Agent Password (this is the password function on the server earlier^^) and add the computer. Then it will appear like this

Just close it, it will appear like this (because there are only 9 PCs listed, 9 PCs will appear),
How come there are 16 PCs in the picture?
I took this picture from the results after registering 16 PCs.


Ok until here anyone asked?? ha ha..

Hope it's useful, my friend... :D

Download Sofware : Net Monitor For Employe Proo

Let's prank office friends with this hack app... :)
  • Title : Let's prank office friends with this hack app... :)
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  • Date : 2:01 PM
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