Have you ever created a virus?
For those who often create viruses, they may have heard of this software before, but for those who have never, this software is a virus maker program which is said to be quite easy to use.
You can make a simple virus, until a virus that can damage the operating system. Well, just like its function, Terabit Virus Maker is a program to create viruses instantly. Users can easily use this software, in which there are about 54 features that you can use. one of its features is s.b. :
1. Avoid Opening the Calculator
2. Avoid Opening Copy, Moving Window
3. Avoid Opening gpedit
4. Avoid Opening Media Player
5. Avoid Opening Mozilla Firefox
6. Avoid Opening MsConfig
7. Avoid Opening Notepad
8. Avoid Opening Wordpad
9. Avoid Opening Yahoo Messenger
10. Add 30 User Accounts to Windows
For other features you can see in the following image:
For how to use this software is s.b. friend:
1. Install deepfreeze to keep your computer safe.
2. Disable your Antivirus, because this software is considered a virus by antivirus.
3. Run the tVirusMaker.exe Software
4. Select/tick the features provided and select the items to use.
5. Finally you click Create Virus and save it to your directory.
6. File virus ready to run. (*and share with your friends, 'hahahah...just a suggestion'*)
Download the app, Here.
Use this application wisely, hehe .. Hopefully this post is useful for all of you :)
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