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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tongue's Dream Goat Curry Recipe

Tongue's Dream Goat Curry Recipe

Sop Gule function is usually a menu during Eid al-Qurban, in addition to satay. So, don't forget to save this granulated sugar recipe so that on Eid al-Adha the ingredients are ready.

Ground spices can also be prepared now, stir-fry until cooked, store in a closed container, put in the refrigerator. Smart, this Vienta smart cooker has a soup menu, you just have to touch the menu button to get the soup.

Enter the ingredients, wait 1 hour without worrying about burning 😂

- GOAT GULE 1 kg of goat meat, cut into 1 liter of coconut milk Fine seasoning, stir-fry until fragrant
- 10 red onions
- 8 garlic
- 1 tsp coriander 1/2 tsp
- 1 cumin finger
- 1 finger ginger
- turmeric 4
- candlenut 1/4 tsp
- nutmeg 2 red chilies

Seasonings: 5 cloves 3 cm cinnamon 1 rib of laos, geprek 2 lemongrass stalks 6 lime leaves 6 lime leaves 6 lime leaves 6 Arabic cardamom Serving Ingredients: Fried Onions, Sweet Soy Sauce, Boiled Lime Sauce, Cayenne Pepper

Method :
1 Choose the soup menu *anything to cook the inner pot for stir fry* Saute the ground spices and all the spices. Add the meat, mix well 2. Pour the coconut milk into the pan as well. Closed. From the menu.
3. Touch the menu button again until the soup. Touch from 2 seconds, until the screen shows an image that the smart stove is working. The timer shows 1 hour to cook the soup. Time can be reduced or increased, by touching the timer button
4. When the display automatically turns warm. The smart cooker is finished cooking. Open and close. Ready to serve
5. Serve the curry, sprinkled with fried shallots. Ready to eat with chili sauce, pickles, and lime juice.
Tongue's Dream Goat Curry Recipe
  • Title : Tongue's Dream Goat Curry Recipe
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  • Date : 2:25 PM
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